Aim & Scope


The Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues (JOCLSI) aims to serve as a leading forum for critical scholarship exploring the dynamic interplay between childhood literacy practices, diverse societal issues, and their impact on children's development and learning.


JOCLSI welcomes a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches that examine:

  • Literacy development in children across diverse contexts, including home, school, community, and digital environments.
  • Societal issues that influence children's literacy experiences, such as poverty, race, ethnicity, gender, social class, disability, language, and immigration.
  • The complex relationships between literacy, power, and social justice.
  • Critical literacy practices that empower children to engage with and challenge social inequalities.
  • Literacy interventions designed to address the needs of marginalized children and communities.
  • Policy and advocacy efforts related to promoting equitable literacy opportunities for all children.
  • Innovative methodologies for researching and understanding childhood literacy in the context of societal issues.

Types of submissions:

JOCLSI publishes original research articles, theoretical essays, book reviews, policy briefs, and creative non-fiction that contribute to the understanding of the intricate links between childhood literacy and societal issues. We encourage submissions from diverse voices, including scholars, educators, practitioners, community activists, and young people themselves.

Core Values:

  • Interdisciplinarity: Fostering dialogue and collaboration across disciplines such as education, literacy studies, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and public policy.
  • Social justice: Advancing knowledge that promotes equity and inclusion in literacy education and societal systems.
  • Critical and engaged scholarship: Encouraging critical reflection on the power dynamics inherent in literacy practices and societal structures.
  • Innovation: Welcoming diverse methodological approaches and creative perspectives that push the boundaries of knowledge about childhood literacy and societal issues.

Target audience:

JOCLSI is intended for scholars, educators, practitioners, policymakers, parents, and advocates who are interested in understanding the complex interconnections between childhood literacy and societal issues.