Copyright and Publishing Rights

Understanding copyright and publishing rights is crucial for both authors and the JOCLSI to ensure ethical and transparent scholarly communication. This article delves into the key features of JCLSI's copyright and publishing rights framework, exploring the implications for authors and the journal's dissemination goals.

Copyright Ownership and Transfer:

  • By default, the author(s) retain copyright ownership of their published articles in JOCLSI.
  • JOCLSI typically employs a non-exclusive, irrevocable license agreement. This means authors retain specific rights while granting JOCLSI the right to publish, reproduce, and distribute the article within specific parameters.
  • Authors retain the right to:
    • Share their article for non-commercial purposes, like classroom teaching or personal websites.
    • Create derivative works based on their article, with proper attribution.
    • Translate their article for non-commercial purposes.
  • JOCLSI is granted the right to:
    • Publish the article in the journal and its online platform.
    • Include the article in future compilations or databases related to childhood literacy and societal issues.
    • Make the article available through various access models, depending on JOCLSI's specific policies.

Open Access and Author Archiving:

  • JOCLSI offers different open access options for authors, including immediate open access with article processing charges (APCs) and embargoed open access models.
  • Open access policies determine the level of accessibility and potential reuse rights for readers.
  • JOCLSI's self-archiving policy allows authors to deposit their pre-prints or post-prints in institutional repositories after a specified embargo period. This policy balances open access goals with JOCLSI's commercial interests.

Fair Use and Permissions:

  • The concept of fair use allows limited quotation and reuse of JOCLSI articles for educational, research, and commentary purposes, with proper attribution.
  • Commercial use or creation of derivative works requires permission from JOCLSI and potentially the author(s).
  • JOCLSI's website typically provides clear guidelines and a permission request process for such instances.

Ethical Considerations:

  • JOCLSI adheres to best practices in academic publishing ethics, including plagiarism detection, authorship guidelines, and data sharing transparency.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality and ethical conduct of their research, following JOCLSI's ethical guidelines and relevant research standards.


Understanding JOCLSI's copyright and publishing rights framework empowers authors to navigate their ownership and dissemination options effectively. The journal's flexible licensing, open access choices, and commitment to ethical publishing practices contribute to responsible scholarly communication and wider engagement with research on childhood literacy and societal issues.

"Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues" (JOCLSI) recognizes the importance of long-term preservation and accessibility of its published research. This policy outlines the mechanisms and responsibilities related to the archiving of the journal's content.

Archiving Platforms:

  1. Publisher's Repository: JOCLSI's publisher will deposit all accepted manuscripts, including final published versions, in their online repository upon publication. This repository will be maintained with regular backups and disaster recovery procedures.
  2. National and International Repositories: JOCLSI will deposit the final published versions of all articles in at least one relevant national or international scholarly archive, such as PubMed Central or Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The specific repositories will be chosen based on subject area and open access policies.

Author Archiving:

  1. Preprints: Authors are permitted to post preprint versions of their articles on personal websites or institutional repositories prior to official publication in JOCLSI. The preprint versions should clearly acknowledge publication in JOCLSI and link to the published version when available.
  2. Postprints: Authors are encouraged to deposit the final published version of their articles in their institutional repositories, following any embargo periods as specified by the journal or publisher.

Archiving Responsibilities:

  • JOCLSI Editors and Publisher: Responsible for ensuring timely deposit of articles in publisher's and designated national/international repositories.
  • Authors: Responsible for adhering to preprint and postprint policies, ensuring accurate version control, and promoting access to published articles.

The Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues (JOCLSI) takes ethical research and publication practices very seriously. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense and will not be tolerated. This policy outlines the journal's definition of plagiarism, the different types of plagiarism, and the consequences of plagiarism for authors.

1. Definition of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is the act of claiming someone else's work as your own. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbatim copying of text without quotation marks or proper citation.
  • Paraphrasing text without attribution to the original source.
  • Using ideas or data from another source without proper citation.
  • Self-plagiarism, which is reusing significant portions of your own previously published work without proper citation.

2. Types of Plagiarism:

There are several different types of plagiarism, each with varying degrees of severity:

  • Accidental plagiarism: This occurs when an author unintentionally fails to cite a source properly. While considered less serious, authors are still responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their citations.
  • Mosaic plagiarism: This occurs when an author combines text from multiple sources without proper citation, creating a new "patchwork" text.
  • Full plagiarism: This is the most serious form of plagiarism and involves copying text verbatim from another source without any quotation marks or citation.

3. Consequences of Plagiarism:

Authors found to have plagiarized in JOCLSI will face the following consequences:

  • Rejection of the manuscript: Plagiarism is grounds for immediate rejection of a manuscript.
  • Retraction of published work: If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the article will be retracted and the author(s) will be notified.
  • Notification to relevant institutions: JOCLSI may notify the author's institution or funding agency about the plagiarism offense.
  • Publication ban: Plagiarism may result in a temporary or permanent ban from publishing in JOCLSI.

4. Avoiding Plagiarism:

Authors can avoid plagiarism by following these guidelines:

  • Cite all sources: Use a recognized citation style guide like APA or MLA and ensure all sources used are properly cited in the text and reference list.
  • Use quotation marks: When directly quoting text from another source, use quotation marks and provide complete citation information.
  • Paraphrase carefully: When paraphrasing text, ensure you are not simply copying and rearranging words. Use your own words and sentence structure, and always cite the source.
  • Use plagiarism detection tools: Consider using plagiarism detection software to check your manuscript for potential plagiarism before submitting it to the journal.

5. Conclusion:

Plagiarism undermines the integrity of academic research and publication. JOCLSI is committed to maintaining high ethical standards and expects all authors to submit original work that properly cites all sources. By following this Plagiarism Policy, authors can ensure the integrity of their work and avoid the consequences of plagiarism.


  • Prior to Submission: Manuscripts can be withdrawn without consequence at any point before formal submission to JOCLSI. Simply inform the editorial office via email.
  • After Submission: Withdrawal during any stage of the review process requires contacting the editorial office. However, be aware of the following:
    • Pre-review: While reviewers haven't started yet, withdrawal may delay similar submissions in the future.
    • During review: Withdrawing after reviewers have invested their time requires a clear explanation. Repeated withdrawals might raise concerns about future submissions.
    • Post-acceptance: Withdrawal is discouraged and generally not allowed unless there are exceptional circumstances (e.g., ethical violations, major errors). Consult the editors immediately.


Editors may suggest withdrawal if:

  • The manuscript falls short of JOCLSI's standards for scholarship, originality, or relevance.
  • Ethical concerns or plagiarism are identified.
  • The manuscript has significant flaws or needs extensive revisions exceeding feasibility.
  • The topic no longer aligns with JOCLSI's current scope or interests.

Consequences of Withdrawal:

  • Withdrawing before acceptance allows resubmission after addressing concerns and following regular submission procedures.
  • Repeated withdrawals without valid reasons may affect future submissions' consideration.


Always notify the editorial office via email regarding withdrawal, mentioning the manuscript title and corresponding author's name.

1. Introduction

The "Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues" (JOCLSI) is committed to promoting the knowledge and understanding of childhood literacy within the context of broader societal issues. To increase research accessibility and impact, JOCLSI offers Scholarly Paper Prints for select published articles.

2. Eligibility for Scholarly Paper Prints

  • All original research articles published in JOCLSI are eligible for Scholarly Paper Prints, with the exception of those requiring extensive visuals or complex formatting beyond a one-page layout.
  • The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the editorial board, reserves the right to select specific articles for Scholarly Paper Prints based on potential for broader public engagement and relevance to current societal issues.

3. Format and Content of Scholarly Paper Prints

  • Scholarly Paper Prints will be one-page, visually appealing summaries of the selected articles.
  • Each Paper Print will include:
    • Title of the original article
    • Author names and affiliations
    • Brief overview of the research question and methodology
    • Key findings and their societal implications
    • DOI link to the full article
    • Journal logo and branding

4. Distribution and Use of Scholarly Paper Prints

  • JOCLSI will distribute Scholarly Paper Prints through:
    • Author websites and social media channels
    • Journal website and social media platforms
    • Relevant online communities and educational resources
    • Conferences and outreach events
  • Scholarly Paper Prints are intended for non-commercial educational purposes, including:
    • Sharing key research findings with a wider audience
    • Promoting public dialogue and engagement with literacy issues
    • Informing educational practice and policy related to childhood literacy
  • Any other use of Scholarly Paper Prints requires written permission from JOCLSI.

5. Copyright and Attribution

  • JOCLSI retains copyright of the Scholarly Paper Prints.
  • The full article published in JOCLSI remains the primary source of research information.
  • Users of Scholarly Paper Prints must appropriately cite the original article using the following format:


6. Contact Information

For inquiries about Scholarly Paper Prints, please contact:


7. Disclaimer

The information contained in Scholarly Paper Prints is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Please refer to the original research article for full details and implications.

1. Introduction:

The "Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues" (JOCLSI) is committed to maintaining high academic standards and publishing original, significant research that contributes to the understanding of the complex relationship between childhood literacy and societal issues. This policy outlines the rigorous peer review process used to evaluate manuscripts submitted to JOCLSI.

2. Peer Review Process:

All manuscripts submitted to JOCLSI undergo a double-blind, peer-reviewed process. This means that the identities of both the authors and reviewers are concealed throughout the review process to ensure fairness and objectivity.

3. Selection of Reviewers:

Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise in the specific topic of the manuscript and their publication record in relevant scholarly journals. The editorial team strives to select reviewers from diverse backgrounds and institutions to ensure a comprehensive and unbiased evaluation.

4. Reviewer Responsibilities:

Reviewers are expected to:

  • Provide a thorough and constructive evaluation of the manuscript, focusing on its originality, significance, methodology, results, discussion, and potential impact.
  • Identify any ethical concerns or potential conflicts of interest.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the review process.
  • Submit their reviews within the designated timeframe.

5. Author Responsibilities:

Authors are expected to:

  • Prepare their manuscripts according to the journal's submission guidelines.
  • Respond to reviewers' comments thoughtfully and professionally.
  • Address any ethical concerns raised by reviewers or editors.

6. Editorial Decision:

The editor-in-chief makes the final decision on publication based on the reviewers' recommendations and their own assessment of the manuscript. The editor-in-chief may consult with associate editors or additional reviewers as needed.

7. Communication with Authors:

Authors will receive a detailed decision letter outlining the reviewers' comments and the editor's rationale for their decision. Authors are encouraged to revise their manuscripts and resubmit them for further consideration, if appropriate.

8. Confidentiality:

JOCLSI maintains strict confidentiality throughout the peer review process. The identities of reviewers and the content of their reviews are not shared with authors or any other individuals outside the editorial team.

9. Timeliness:

JOCLSI strives to provide authors with a timely decision on their manuscripts. The editorial team aims to complete the review process within 8-12 weeks, but this timeframe may vary depending on the complexity of the manuscript and the availability of reviewers.

10. Ethics:

JOCLSI adheres to the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing. Authors are expected to comply with all applicable ethical guidelines when conducting research and submitting manuscripts.

11. Amendments:

This policy may be amended periodically to reflect changes in best practices or the needs of the journal. Authors are encouraged to consult the latest version of the policy on the JOCLSI website before submitting their manuscripts.

1. Introduction:

  • Briefly state the journal's commitment to ethical research and publication practices.
  • Acknowledge relevant international guidelines and codes of conduct, such as those from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

2. Author Responsibilities:

  • Originality and Authorship: Define authorship criteria, address ghostwriting and guest authorship, and emphasize the importance of disclosing funding sources and potential conflicts of interest.
  • Data and Research Conduct: Outline responsible research practices, data management, and adherence to ethical research principles concerning human and animal subjects.
  • Submission Process: Explain manuscript formatting, submission procedures, and the review process (e.g., double-blind, open peer review).
  • Post-Publication Responsibilities: Address errata, corrections, and retractions, including procedures for reporting research misconduct.

3. Reviewer Responsibilities:

  • Confidentiality and Fairness: Emphasize the importance of reviewer anonymity, impartiality, and constructive feedback.
  • Expertise and Timeliness: Highlight the value of expert reviews and adherence to deadlines.
  • Declaration of Conflicts of Interest: Encourage reviewers to disclose any potential conflicts that could impact their objectivity.

4. Editor Responsibilities:

  • Editorial Decision-Making: Describe the process for selecting reviewers, making editorial decisions, and managing potential conflicts of interest.
  • Manuscript Handling and Communication: Outline procedures for handling submissions, ensuring communication clarity and fairness with authors throughout the process.
  • Retraction and Correction Policies: Define clear guidelines for retracting articles due to misconduct or substantial errors and correcting minor ones.

5. Plagiarism and Misconduct:

  • Define plagiarism and other forms of research misconduct.
  • Explain the journal's procedures for detecting and addressing misconduct, including consequences for violators.

6. Appeals:

  • Describe the process for authors to appeal editorial decisions.

7. Data Sharing and Availability:

  • Outline the journal's policy on data sharing and availability, encouraging authors to make their data accessible whenever possible.

8. Open Access Policy:

  • Clearly state whether the journal is open access and, if so, the specific model used (e.g., author-paid fees, institutional subscriptions).

9. Amendments:

  • Describe the process for amending the publication ethics guidelines as needed.

1. Consult the Journal's Website:

The "Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues" website likely has a dedicated section on publication fees and any waiver policies. Thoroughly search their website, paying close attention to pages like "Author Guidelines," "Submission Instructions," or "Publication Fees." If you cannot find information, consider contacting the journal directly through their listed email address or contact form.

2. Key Information to Gather:

While searching the website, pay attention to specific details like:

  • Does the journal offer waivers at all?
  • If yes, what types of waivers are available (e.g., student waivers, financial hardship waivers)?
  • What are the specific eligibility criteria for each waiver?
  • What is the application process (e.g., required documentation, submission deadlines)?
  • How are waiver decisions made and communicated?

3. Draft the Statement:

Once you gather the necessary information, use the considerations I provided in my previous responses to draft the "Waiver Eligibility" statement. Clearly state:

  • The purpose of the statement.
  • The available waiver types and their eligibility criteria.
  • The application process and required documentation.
  • The decision-making process and communication.

4. Ensure Clarity and Transparency:

Use clear and concise language understandable by potential authors. Ensure transparency in criteria, decision-making, and contact information for further inquiries.

5. Proofread and Revise:

Carefully proofread your draft for any errors or inconsistencies. Make sure it accurately reflects the information gathered from the journal's website. Remember, it's vital to ensure the statement aligns with the journal's specific policies and procedures.

General Policy:

The Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues (JOCLSI) does not offer refunds for submitted manuscripts, as the review process represents a significant investment of time and resources from both authors and editors. However, we understand that exceptional circumstances may arise, and we are committed to fairness and flexibility. Therefore, the following exceptions to this policy exist:


  1. Duplicate Submission: If an author accidentally submits the same manuscript twice, a full refund will be issued for the duplicate submission.
  2. Journal Withdrawal Before Review: Authors may withdraw their manuscripts from the review process at any time before the initial editorial decision is communicated. In this case, a full refund will be issued.
  3. Editorial Error: If a demonstrably significant editorial error occurs during the review process that negatively impacts the author's submission, a full or partial refund may be issued at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Requesting a Refund:

Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the JOCLSI editorial office at [email protected] and should clearly state the reason for the request and any relevant supporting documentation. All refund requests will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief, and a decision will be communicated within 10 business days.

Important Notes:

  • This policy applies to all submission fees, including article processing charges (APCs) and any other applicable fees.
  • Refunds will be issued using the same payment method used for the original submission fee.
  • This policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice.

1. Introduction

This Licensing Policy outlines the terms and conditions for the use of content published in the "Journal of Childhood Literacy and Societal Issues" (JOCLSI). It aims to ensure the fair and responsible dissemination of research while protecting the intellectual property rights of authors and the journal.

2. Types of Licenses

JOCLSI offers several licensing options, depending on the intended use of the content:

  • Non-Commercial Use: Individuals can share articles for non-commercial purposes, such as teaching, research, and personal study, with proper attribution. This includes sharing links to published articles on the JOCLSI website or repository.
  • Educational Use: Educators can incorporate articles into course materials for non-commercial educational purposes, provided they:
    • Obtain written permission from JOCLSI for extended excerpts or entire articles.
    • Cite the article properly using the journal's recommended format.
    • Limit distribution to enrolled students of the course.
  • Commercial Use: For commercial use, such as republishing content in books, anthologies, or on commercial websites, permission must be obtained from JCLSI through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Fees may apply.

3. Open Access Option:

Authors may choose to publish their articles under an open access license, such as Creative Commons, which allows for wider dissemination and reuse with specific conditions.

4. Restrictions:

The following are not permitted without explicit written permission from JOCLSI:

  • Modifying the content of articles, including figures, tables, and text.
  • Using content for promotional purposes without proper attribution.
  • Selling or redistributing articles for commercial gain.

5. Attribution:

Proper attribution is crucial for all uses of JOCLSI content. This includes citing the author(s), article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, and DOI (if available).

6. Disclaimer:

JOCLSI makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of its content. Users are responsible for ensuring the content is appropriate for their intended use.

7. Revisions:

JOCLSI reserves the right to revise this policy at any time. Users are responsible for staying informed of any changes.